Amid the challenges of COVID-19, Cook County recognized the importance of its tourism and hospitality industries by allocating $10 million from the American Rescue Plan Act to strengthen this vital sector. Cook County Tourism Alive — developed by the county’s five suburban Convention and Visitor Bureaus (CVBs) — unites communities in driving economic recovery and showcasing the unique attractions and experiences that make suburban Cook County an exceptional destination.

Cook County Tourism Alive 2024 Year in Review

Key Goals of Tourism Alive

Cook County Tourism Alive is committed to strengthening the tourism and hospitality sectors in suburban Cook County. By investing directly in local CVBs and supporting innovative marketing initiatives, we aim to create lasting opportunities for businesses, workers and visitors alike. The key goals of Tourism Alive are to:

  • Promote local tourism opportunities in each of the suburban Cook County subregions.
  • Develop Outside Chicago, a program designed to promote the outdoor assets of suburban Cook County.
  • Hold hiring events to meet the needs of the hospitality sector.
  • Participate in a broad regional tourism initiative called Visit Chicagoland.

Direct Investment in Local Communities:

Each of the five participating Convention and Visitor Bureaus (CVBs) are developing new initiatives or expanding existing ones with direct support and funding from Tourism Alive. The CVBs participating in this program are:



Tourism Alive represents a partnership with the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development, and the five partner CVBs, Chicago’s North Shore CVB, Visit Chicago Southland, Meet Chicago Northwest, Rosemont CVB and Visit Oak Park. Tourism Alive convened a broad range of local stakeholders to provide insights and engagement related to this innovative program.


Contact Us 

If you have questions or want to learn more about how Cook County Tourism Alive is driving change in suburban hospitality and tourism, please contact us here.